
Habits of Famous Writers – What do you know, I like dogs too!

I must admit the habits of writers is something that fascinates me. I’m always looking for things I do similar to the greats – and many, many things I do differently.

So, this little dog owning, night writer, who prefers tea over coffee and writes at a, sadly, relatively slow pace found this chart created by visualistan.com humors me. It’s always nice when you can find a habit or aspect of writer that you admire, in yourself. Even if it’s as frivolous as their affinity for pets.

As for lying down or moving – I’m a sitter. A slouching hunch-backed sitter, who gets up and dances when she fells the blood flow has almost been permanently cut off from her lower extremities.



2 thoughts on “Habits of Famous Writers – What do you know, I like dogs too!

    1. Ha! And in that moment I was taken back to my grade school nickname, ‘Drooling Dooling’. Glad you like the post. I love learning more about successful writer habits and see if I can implement any into my life.


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